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Cyber Essentials Plus certification
Isotopx achieves “gold standard” cyber security We’re delighted to announce that Isotopx has achieved “Cyber Essentials Plus” certification. This is a a UK government-backed certification that demonstrates an organization’s ability to protect against cyber attacks. It’s a technical audit of IT systems that includes a hands-on verification. We believe that this certification highlights our commitment…
New osmium application note
How small an ion beam can ATONA® ultra-low noise Faraday collectors measure and still get useful osmium isotope ratio data? We’ve recently added a new application note that investigates whether the ATONA Faraday amplifier system can benefit the precise measurement of osmium isotopes in low level samples. To read the application note, click here.
Isotopx at AGU 2024
As usual, we’re at the AGU Fall Meeting, this year in Washington DC. If you happen to be at AGU, come and see us at booth 440. You probably know all about the Fall Meeting already, but if not, check it out here.
More “explainer” videos added
We’ve added more videos to our YouTube page We’ve recently added several more videos to our YouTube channel. These are mostly very short videos focused on one feature of our products and technologies. You can click the image above to access the video on Youtube or else click here.
Geochemistry Group Research in Progress (GGRiP) meeting | Isotopx to attend in Durham
We are pleased to announce that Isotopx will be attending the Geochemistry Group Research in Progress (GGRiP) meeting in Durham, UK from 9-11 April this year. GGRiP is an annual meeting run by the Geology Group for all geochemists. The organisers particularly encourage PhD students and early career researchers to present their research in this…
Video introduction to ATONA technology
We publish a new video that gives a high-level introduction to one of our key technologies – ATONA Our key Faraday technologies, ATONA and Zeptona, are described in a new video. This short “explainer” video is designed to give someone unfamiliar with these technologies an introduction to why they are so different from more traditional…
Femtogram-level analysis of 90Sr using Phoenix TIMS
Showcasing excellent data from Norbert Kavasi and the team at Fukushima Institute for Research, Education and Innovation Phoenix TIMS users Norbert Kavasi and Sarata Kumar Sahoo and team have been working hard to measure low levels of 90Sr, typically in environmental samples or food and beverage samples. 90Sr is an anthropogenic isotope produced in relatively…
AGU Fall Meeting 2023 | Isotopx to attend in San Francisco
We are pleased to announce that Isotopx will be attending the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco, USA from 11-15 December this year. This meeting is one of the highlights of the geochemistry calendar, and one that we always look forward to. It’s great that the meeting is returning to its spiritual home…
An introduction to Zeptona technology
Interested to learn about Zeptona technology? It’s a technology based on ATONA, but takes it one step further. It’s well suited to a number of isotope ratio measurement applications, particularly those in U-Pb geochronology. Click here to take a look at the short article that introduces Zeptona, and get in touch if you want to…
Geochronology 2023 meeting | Isotopx to attend in Vermont
We are pleased to announce that Isotopx will be attending the Geochronology Gordon Research Conference in VT, USA from 13-18 August this year. The Geochronology meeting is a particularly exciting and relevant meeting for our user community and we’re delighted to be a major sponsor. If you’re attending Geochronology GRC 2023 and wish to arrange a time…