Geochemistry Group Research in Progress (GGRiP) meeting | Isotopx to attend in Durham

We are pleased to announce that Isotopx will be attending the Geochemistry Group Research in Progress (GGRiP) meeting in Durham, UK from 9-11 April this year.

GGRiP is an annual meeting run by the Geology Group for all geochemists. The organisers particularly encourage PhD students and early career researchers to present their research in this friendly and stimulating environment.

If you’re attending GGRiP 24 and wish to arrange a time to chat with our team, please contact us at


9-11 April 2024 


Department of Earth Sciences at Durham University, UK

Find out more about the Geochemistry Group Research in Progress (GGRiP) meeting

If you are interested in attending GGRiP, please visit the official website for more information.